Terms and conditions

Refund and return policy

The size ordered doesn’t fit? We’ll take care of the return without any problems.
You can decide to replace any product purchased on amedeotrainingorses.it within 14 days from the delivery date.

That’s how:
1) Send an email to ath@amedeotraininghorses.it with your details, order reference and item(s) to be exchanged and wait for the return procedure.
2) Prepare the package with adequate packaging.
3) You will then receive an email with all the instructions for the replacement.
4)N.B: If the item received is a different size from the order placed, the replacement will be free. However, if the size shipped corresponds to the order placed, shipping costs will be at your expense.



Pursuant to Art. 5 Legislative Decree 185/1999 and the European Directive 2011/83 ratified by the Council of Ministers, you have the right to withdraw from the purchase contract within 14 days from the date of receipt of the goods.

To exercise the right of withdrawal it is essential that the customer has diligently looked after the goods to be returned which must be absolutely intact.

We accept the return of any item in perfect condition, intact. Shipping until receipt at our office is the total responsibility of the customer. We are not responsible for any damage, theft or loss occurring during transport or for shipments returned uninsured. The cost of transport for returned products is the sole responsibility of the customer.

The right of withdrawal does not apply to made-to-measure, on-request or personalized products.

Procedure for exercising the right of withdrawal
Send the withdrawal request via email within 14 days of receiving the goods, to the address: ath@amedeotraininghorses.it
In the email in which you ask to exercise the right of withdrawal it is necessary to attach the details of a bank or postal current account to re-credit the sum due (complete IBAN and holder of the current account) in case the order has not been paid with Credit Card or PayPal.

The refund only concerns the price of the items and not the first shipping costs. The refund will be made within 10 days from the moment the goods for which you wish to exercise the right of withdrawal are returned to us. The costs relating to the return of the product are borne by the Customer.

Attention: if the returned item is damaged or has been visibly used, ATH reserves the right to propose to the customer the return of the item by charging the shipping costs or to evaluate it and redeem it as a used item.

ATH will refund the customer via bank transfer, credit card or PayPal, the sum paid excluding additional shipping costs.

Need help?
Contact us via email for any questions regarding returns or refunds.